Meetings with CEO

Directors who are contemplating some change in their career can arrange a two hour meeting with CEOs

The meeting agenda is as follows:

1. Examination of my financial, domestic, health and career backgrounds and future career intentions.
2. Examination of my potential to secure a new career appointment from the following range of options and any others I identify to CEO during the meeting.

(This phase will include a pragmatic market aware assessment by CEO of the executive's potential prospects and suitability for each option in today's competitive market conditions; how best to secure them; how long it can take; and how to minimise the costs and risks so as to protect the executive's position.)

(a) Traditional full or part time salaried employment
(b) Non executive directorship
(c) Interim management roles
(d) Consultancy, including executive coaching roles
(e) Management buy in/out - including the executive's ability to lead/join an MBI team. Personal stake and likely equity share. Professional fee avoidance. Search process and success prospects.
(f) Smaller company buy-in
(g) Franchise and business start-up
(h) Portfolio appointment including business angel roles
(i) Joint venture set up or divisional turnaround
(j) Any other career opportunities that I may specify including charitable/community work
3. Comments on my CV and search options.
4. To consider the suitability of CEO working with me on a retained basis, to secure my preferred options.

The fee for this meting is £375 plus V.A.T. (£440.62) which also includes attendance at a CEO 1 day Workshop. See Newsletter for details

To request a meeting please click here