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CEO The Chief Executives Office Pioneering Interim Managers coaching skills programme An intensive 3 day programme to send Interim Managers away with a new skill set designed to radically improve their Interim performance - and also provide the credentials to offer added value services that can extend the duration of their contracts. There are 9 delegates already booked on this pioneering programme which has not been marketed. A final 3 full delegate places are only now available. Day observers are welcome. Dates Friday to Sunday March 20-22 2009 Venue Aston Hall Aston on Trent, Derbys Programme leaders John Webster. founder of CEO (The Chief Executives Office) and creator/leader of possibly UK's leading executive coach training programme for senior executives. Tom Pickering. Founder of Icebreaker Interim management. Coopted member of the board of the Institute of Interim Management in 2008. Runner up Interim Manager of the year 2007 - using the techniques he learnt on 1 (of 3 ) module of the CEO Exec Coach training programme - which is why he has mobilised this programme specifically for Interims
Content and Outcomes: The 3 day course overviews the extensive range of tools, techniques and concepts taught in the CEO 12 day Executive Coach training programme (that leads to a Chester University Masters level Post Graduate Certificate award and right to use the designatory letters PG Cert. Exec Coach. The 12 day programme has been successfully completed by over 100 chairmen, CEOs and senior directors from all 5 continents with combined turnover exceeding £3 billion). (Syllabus and Graduate list Click here) The 3 day Interim programme is believed - and has been specially designed, in association with Icebreaker Interim Management - to be the first course specifically created to bring purpose built certified coaching skills directly into an Interims performance. A key intention is that delegates will understand how to COMMUNICATE IDEALLY with different personality/teams types so as to maximise the Interim's reputation, performance and team influencing skills and thus encourage clients to extend the assignments into 1:1 coaching/mentoring and team performance improvement It focuses on the key practical, useable techniques of the 12 day programme and implants them - via leading edge experiential learning techniques - so the Interim goes away with a new skill set and a Certificate by CEO of certified basic coaching skills as proof of CPD activity that enable them to offer added value services including 1:1 and team coaching to their Interim performance - while significantly improving their personal communication with clients and their teams. These skills include team and 1:1 coaching and mentoring - inbuilt with powerful personal and team relationship techniques that are capable of transforming an Interims key areas of delivery; namely moving boards and teams to understand the reasons for THEM TO CHANGE and how to lead themselves to achieve serious turnaround performance and Profit improvement! So the delegates learn how to recognize and influence 1:1 and team personality types that can influence/impede Interim results; how - using leading edge conversational techniques with exquisite coaching formats and intriguing language patterns - they can develop powerful rapport and influencing power so as to mobilise teams through radical change steps in operations, culture, relationships, practices etc that can bypass client or key executive resistance. The programme has been tailored to send Interims away like newly qualified car drivers or private pilots. They have the newly acquired basic skills and abilities to 'drive/fly' and are equipped to practice and hone them to Unconcious Competence Syllabus IMPORTANT! The programme content is highly ambitious in attempting to précis key elements of a 12 day programme into 3 days! The leaders retain the right to adapt and refine the planned teaching structure and sessions so as to meet delegate needs/progress in this highly ambitious and testing environment. YOU will be helping us to create this first Interim training programme of its type and the 'at cost ' fees reflect your contribution; the first programme fee structure will not be repeated in future courses! 3 days over a weekend from 0830 to 1800
with brief, (often with some working exercises to maximise learning time)
coffee/lunch breaks. The format is experiential involving significant delegate participation and self directed learning. 9 tutorial sessions in interactive forum format led by the tutors/facilitators. 12 practice triad/pairs coaching sessions Entry credentials The programme is for existing, or intending, Interim Managers who are comfortable working at all levels including senior board. Fees Note. There are already nine delegates booked on this programme. The final 3 full delegate places will be awarded a first come first served, based on receipt of deposit. £1950 + VAT per person including 2 nights B&B accommodation plus lunch and coffee etc. Excludes evening meals. Non refundable deposit of £750 + VAT payable not later than March 3 2009. Balance payable not later than March 15 2009 Day observers Day observers widen the full delegate experience and credentials. Thus they are welcome and will be treated as delegates and must be ready to participate in all sessions and exercises. Fee. £700 + VAT per day excluding accommodation Reservations and Contact Please telephone Tom Pickering MD of Icebreaker Interim Management to discuss any aspect of the programme. Reservations by cheque payable to CEO and sent to: T Pickering MIIM, MTMA, BAHons Icebreaker Executive Interim Management Limited Mobile: +44 (0) 772 0597869 Office: +44 (0) 207 1935518 Email : office@icebreakerexecutive.com Website : www.icebreakerexecutive.com John Webster contact details. John is in a remote part of S Africa until March 10 2009. Comms there are unreliable and 24-36 hrs response is likely. If enquirers wish to call him his tel no is 0027 71 256 2029. 2 hrs ahead of UK. Email ceo@ceogb.co.uk To return to CEO Newsletter. Click here