These fee structures apply to CEO executive coaching and outplacement programmes
There are discounted rates for group programmes
Fees paid in arrear are due 7 days from invoice after each meeting. Where fees are paid personally by the client in advance, reduced fees apply as indicated
All fees are subject to VAT at prevailing rates
Personal clients are individuals retaining CEO personally. Corporate Sponsored clients are those paid for by their company or organisation
Hourly fees are charged on 15 minute intervals in face to face meetings
All Personal coaching sessions can be supplemented by Written Minutes produced by CEO. A one hour charge applies at the prevailing programme fee rate for this role which is at the client’s discretion. This service is automatically included in the Corporate Sponsored programmes
Prepaid programmes include additional telephone and email coaching at no charge but at CEO discretion as to volume and frequency.
Management Buy In. Where clients are seeking MBI appointments, CEO will consider a success related fee structure