Profile of The Chief Executives' Office
After two years discreet research, CEO was formed in 1996, by John Webster,
a former building society CEO who saw the need for a specialised body
to help senior directors enter the highly competitive and complex marketplace
where MBI/Os and NXDs are found.
The MBI/O market was growing rapidly but with no structured process to
help identify serious MBI aspirants from the thousands of 'time wasting
hopefuls' who were clogging the market. Meanwhile, serious Chairmen and
CEO candidates found it frustrating to try to break through the corporate
finance and venture capital jargon, tendered by young, vibrant but commercially
inexperienced accountants and bankers. A breath of jargon free fresh air
was needed! And so CEO was formed, to provide face to face briefings and
introductions for carefully selected CHIEF EXECUTIVES TALKING TO CHIEF
EXECUTIVES! More than 1000 senior directors have been through the CEO
Seminars to widen the network of candidates, were commenced in 1995 under
the chairmanship of Sir Kit McMahon, former Deputy Governor of the Bank
of England. Sir Kit, and Sir Leonard Peach, UK Commissioner for Public
Appointments, have been actively involved in the growth and evolution
of the Seminars from one day events to 3 day Seminars and Workshops that
have gained market leading status - and sponsorship by most leading corporate
financiers and venture capital houses.